Obama holding fundraiser in Minneapolis tonight

Sen. Barack Obama
Sen. Barack Obama talked with a group of North Dakota veterans in front of about 1,000 people on July 3rd, 2008 in Fargo, N.D.
MPR Photo/Than Tibbetts

Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, will attend a fundraiser Wednesday night in Minneapolis.

Obama will meet with donors who will give a minimum of $1,000 and up to $28,500. The Obama campaign will split the money with the Democratic National Committee.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who co-chairs Republican John McCain's campaign for president, criticized Obama's stance on energy issues. Pawlenty said during a conference call with reporters that Obama is missing the mark when it comes to offshore drilling.

"We have a situation where I think Senator Obama is now scrambling to try to make up for his lack of judgment and lack of experience in seeing and dealing with this crisis in a timely and a bold fashion," Pawlenty said.

Obama said Republicans are misrepresenting his stance on energy issues. He also said that oil company executives are staking their profits on a McCain presidency.