DFL challenger Tinklenberg rips Bachmann on energy policy

Candidate again
Elwyn Tinklenberg has launched his second campaign for the 6th Congressional District. Tinklenberg, a DFLer, lost the party endorsement in the 2006 election. Republican Michele Bachmann currently holds the office.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

Sixth District DFL congressional candidate Elwyn Tinklenberg is touring the district today to call attention to the need for conservation and alternatives to lower the price of gas.

His opponent, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann filed a petition today to attempt to force the House to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR. Tinklenberg opposes drilling in ANWR.

"The pain that people are experiencing at the pump is very real, and she is capitalizing on that pain to pursue an oil industry agenda, and I think people are catching on to it," he said.

Tinklenberg says the U.S. is home to only 3 percent of the world's oil deposits, and increased domestic drilling would have a negligible effect on world oil prices. Because the U.S. accounts for a quarter of the world's oil consumption, Tinklenberg says conservation is the key to cutting oil prices.

"Our 25 percent consumption really can make a difference," he said. "That is a huge impact on the industry worldwide, and when we change that sends ripples throughout the world in terms of the price of oil."

Michele Bachmann has toured ANWR and an off-shore drilling rig. She has said opening more areas to exploration could help bring gas prices back to $2 a gallon.