RNC draws support from law enforcement across state

Saint Paul, the host city, is providing the largest contingent of police, with more than 500 officers.
MPR photo/Tom Weber

Republican National Convention security organizers say nearly eighty agencies and jurisdictions will contribute officers to police the event.

The federal grant that is paying for security requires a minimum number of officers to be lined up by the end of this month.

Saint Paul police spokesman Tom Walsh is overseeing the effort to piece together at least 3,000 law enforcement personnel. He said he is getting close to that threshold and hopes to surpass it by about 500.

Walsh said the target figure was reached by listing the locations where a police presence will be needed and estimating the appropriate size at each.

"When you total those up and you include what we feel we'll need to provide for security during demonstrations and parades, that number adds up to somewhere between 3,000 and 3,500. I think we could probably manage with 3,000. I think we're all a little more comfortable with 3,500," Walsh said.

Walsh said Saint Paul, the host city, is providing the largest contingent of police, with more than 500 officers.