Utilities expect to meet state's conservation goals

Wind power
Energy companies expect to be able to meet the State's ambitious goals on energy conservation, but warn that their efforts may cost consumers more.
Photo by YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images

Most of the state's utilities say they'll be able to meet the state's ambitious goals on energy conservation.

The legislature has mandated that utilities conserve one-and-a-half-percent of their retail sales each year.

Sheldon Strom directs the Center for Energy and the Environment. He said power companies should work together to create simple, easy-to-use programs to help home-owners save energy.

"So anywhere in the state over time, you know as a citizen I should get this service, when I buy new furnace here's the type I should get; when I re-stucco my walls I should get them insulated and I think the utilities if they really make a commitment to doing this can save a lot of energy," Strom said.

Strom spoke at a hearing at the capitol Wednesday. Electric companies told legislators they're working on programs to achieve the energy savings. Some said it would cost consumers more.