Franken ad promotes ban on politicians turning lobbyists

Al Franken ad
A screenshot from the new television ad for the Al Franken for Senate campaign calls for a complete ban on former members of Congress becoming lobbyists.
Courtesy of Al Franken for Senate

DFL Senate candidate Al Franken is out with a new television ad calling for an end to politicians becoming lobbyists.

In his latest ad, Franken says Congress should not debate how long Representatives and Senators have to wait to become lobbyists after leaving office. Instead, Franken says they should pass an all-out ban on lobbying for former members of Congress.

And to bolster his case, Franken ties his lobby ban proposal to perhaps the biggest political issue of the moment.

"Right now hundreds of former Senators and Congressman are lobbying for big oil and special interests. No wonder gas is at four dollars a gallon. I'm Al Franken in Washington. I'll fight for a new law to prevent members of Congress from ever becoming lobbyists," said Al Franken.

In a fund raising message to supporters, the Franken campaign says its new ad will begin running today.

Republican incumbent Norm Coleman's latest ad features Coleman's wife saying that her husband is not influenced by special interests.