Star Tribune staff rallies against cuts

The Star Tribune
Headquarters of the Star Tribune newspaper in downtown Minneapolis.
MPR Photo/Rick Foy

Journalists at the Minneapolis-based Star Tribune rallied outside the newspaper Wednesday, trying to win public support to fight additional newsroom cuts.

The paper has shed some 80 reporters and other journalists in the past 18 months. Star Tribune staffers hope readers will pressure the paper's owners to back off plans to slash about $2.5 million from news operations.

That could cost up to 30 more journalists their jobs. The Star Tribune, like most big newspapers, has been struggling financially. But union leader David Chanen said reducing the paper's news budget will only make things worse.

"If we lose, readers lose. Budget cuts equal less news. That is today's headline," Chanen said.

The Star Tribune's contract with some 300 newsroom employees expires July 31, but the contract will remain in place, as long as negotiations continue.

The paper had no comment on its operations.