Suit against Delta-NWA merger filed on behalf of customers

Merger partners?
Northwest dismissed the lawsuit as frivolous.
Photo courtesy of Michael Carter

The proposed merger of Delta and Eagan-based Northwest Airlines is drawing legal fire from some customers who contend the deal would severely harm competition in the airline industry.

San Francisco antitrust attorney Joseph Alioto has filed a lawsuit intended to block the merger of Delta and Northwest. The suit was filed on behalf of some Northwest and Delta customers.

Alioto contends the merger of the two airlines would raise fares, reduce flights, and cost lots of workers their jobs.

The airline says the merger would benefit consumers and not result in widespread service cuts or job losses. Northwest said it expects the U.S. Department of Justice will approve the merger by the end of the year.

But Alioto argues the Justice Department, under the Bush administration, cannot be trusted to thoroughly examine how the merger could harm competition.