Local planners for Republican convention say money goal met

XCel Energy Center
The Xcel Energy Center in downtown St. Paul will play host to the Republican National Convention in September.
MPR photo/Tom Weber

The local host committee for the Republican National Convention says it has hit its fundraising mark so far and now has more than $31 million in the door.

Under its contract with the party, the Minneapolis-St. Paul Host Committee has promised to raise at least $39 million by mid-July. It had a goal of getting 80 percent of the money by June 15.

A news release from the committee says it hopes to pull in $58 million by the convention, where Republicans will nominate John McCain for president.

The host committee hasn't released a detailed accounting of its fundraising. By law, it doesn't have to file such a report until after the convention.

The host committee's Web site lists more than 50 corporate donors who have pledged money or services.

The committee is planning many events around the September convention while the Republican Party is in charge of what happens inside the Xcel Energy Center.