Pawlenty says he is open to being McCain's running mate

Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Gov. Tim Pawlenty for the first time this morning indicated that he would be receptive to being John McCain's running mate.
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has indicated for the first time he'd be receptive to being on the ticket with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain.

Speaking on a national news program this morning, Pawlenty said it would be difficult to turn down an offer to be John McCain's running mate.

Pawlenty was asked about his interest in being vice president on Fox News Sunday. He said any discussion that he would be named McCain's running mate is just speculation, but he added that it would be an honor to be considered.

"I want to help him become the president, because I think he'd be a great president," Pawlenty said. "I don't have any designs on being vice president. If somebody came to me and said that, of course I would be honored to be mentioned, honored to be asked, and it would be difficult to turn that down, but I don't have any designs, and it's not why I'm such a great and strong supporter of Senator McCain."

Pawlenty has repeatedly said that he has no interest in being vice president. When he announced his reelection bid in 2006, Pawlenty said he is committed to serving his full term.

The governor is often mentioned as a possible running mate to McCain along with a handful of others. Pawlenty co-chairs McCain's presidential committee and has been campaigning nationally on his behalf.