Gov. tells Republicans to be optimistic

Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Gov. Tim Pawlenty speaks to the Minnesota Republican state convention. Pawlenty told activists and delegates that the party needs to remain optimistic if it wants to recover from disappointing elections two years ago.
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Gov. Tim Pawlenty told Republican activists in Rochester today that the party needs to be hopeful and optimistic if it wants to bounce back this year from disapointing elections two years ago.

Addressing the GOP state convention Pawlenty said the party should go back to the playbook of Ronald Reagan, whom he said was a positive communicator and a decent man.

Pawlenty urged Minnesota Republicans to unite behind presidental candidate John McCain, even if they don't agree with him on every issue:

"No matter what our differences may be, they are no differences compared to what we're going to get if Barack Obama is president," Pawlenty said.

When asked by reporters, Pawlenty said he has no idea whether McCain is considering him as a possible running mate. He dismissed talk of a vice presidential run as "speculation."