Returning to normal

All that remains
The door post is the only remaining item that remained standing at this home in Hugo. Tornadoes that struck the city on Sunday destroyed over 150 buildings, rendering 50 completely destroyed.
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Many residents of Hugo whose homes are still standing and have electricity after Sunday's tornado have moved back home.

And some are focusing on cleanup and rebuilding, as checks from insurance companies start to arrive and debris is removed from their yard.

Children returned to school Tuesday morning at Oneka Elementary in Hugo, which was used as a makeshift community center after the storm.

Hot Tub with board
The tornado that struck Hugo on Sunday afternoon sustained winds high enough to lodge a board into the side of a hot tub, like a bullet being shot out of a gun.
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Principal Teresa Dahlem said her goal was to make school as normal as possible today.

"In one of the houses that was pretty well devastated, the child said to the father 'Are we still going to Como Zoo on Tuesday?" Dahlem said. "And that was one of the first things out of his mouth. So, that's what we want to do for the kids."

Dahlem said about 700 students attend the school. She said nearly every classroom had at least one child who lives near the hardest hit area of Hugo.