McCain to visit Minnesota

John McCain
Sen. John McCain speaks at a rally in Wisconsin. Sen. McCain's campaign announced today that he presumptive Republican nominee for president will visit Minnesota next month, his first visit to the state.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

A spokesman for John McCain's campaign said the presumptive Republican nominee will hold a fundraiser in Minneapolis on June 19th. The spokesman also said it's possible that the Arizona Senator will hold a campaign event that day.

This would be McCain's first visit to Minnesota since he secured the necessary delegates to win the GOP nomination.

He will return to the Twin Cities in September for the Republican National Convention. That's where convention delegates will officially nominate him for President.

No Republican presidential candidate has won Minnesota since 1972, but Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been one of McCain's strongest backers.

Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made campaign stops in Minnesota before the February caucuses.