Protest groups urge police to grant protest permit

Route for protesters
The City of St. Paul has authorized this route for protest groups during the Republican National Convention in early September. The route begins at the Capitol grounds, proceeds along Cedar St. To W. 7th St. and end near the Xcel Energy Center, site of the convention.
Image courtesy of the City of St. Paul

An organization representing the poor is calling on the St. Paul Police Department to approve it's permit to march during the Republican National Convention in September.

Organizers with The Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign said the city has not met its deadline for outlining a route for the march.

The group wants to march on the second day of the Convention. It already has a separate permit for a rally that day.

Lead organizer Cheri Honkala said the goal of the protest is to call attention to the economic issues facing the country.

"This is a march not about the war in Iraq, this is a march about the war that's taking place here at home, and we intend to march, because this march is about our lives and the lives of our children," Honkala said.

Tom Walsh, spokesman for the St. Paul Police Department, said he believes the permit is under review, and the department should be granting a route for the march by the end of May.