MSP takes bottom slot in customer satisfaction

Ticketing area at MSP
Ticketing area at MSP
MPR Photo/Jeff Horwich

A survey ranking customer satisfaction at the country's airports puts Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport at the bottom of the list, among large airports.

The 2008 J.D. Power and Associates survey took into account overall airport satisfaction, airport accessibility, baggage check and the security check process.

Metropolitan Airports Commission spokesman, Patrick Hogan, says an important factor is the timing of when Twin Cities customers were surveyed.

"We had a runway that was closed for reconstruction last fall that certainly cause some delays. And, of course, in the winter time, we're at a bit of a disadvantage over airports that are in the Sunbelt because we have to deal with snow and ice delays," Hogan said.

Hogan said the survey is not consistent with others done on customer satisfaction at Twin Cities International Airport.

Airports at the top of J.D. Power and Associates list are Philadelphia International Airport and McCarran International Airport in Orlando.