Browns Valley purchases land to control flooding

Welcome sign
A "Welcome" sign still stands in Browns Valley even as ice floats by in the water.
MPR Photo/Tim Post

A little more than year after a floodwaters swept through Browns Valley, officials in the western Minnesota town say a major hurdle has been cleared that will allow construction to move forward on a flood control project.

Mayor Jeff Backer says the city has been able to reach a deal with a local farm family to buy the land along the Little Minnesota River needed for the project.

"Oh this is probably the most important step, getting the land acquired. The rest of the project has been moving along really well, but this has been basically twenty years trying to get this property. And they've been wonderful to work with. The Haynens have been just tremendous. So I really appreciate them finally signing. I know how difficult it was for them," said Diane Radermacher. Radermacher is with the Upper Minnesota River Watershed District.


The project requires up to 110 acres of land. Construction will start next spring.