Congressman Walz calls for earmark transparency

Walz speaks on the House floor
Democratic U.S. Rep. Tim Walz on the House floor.
Photo courtesy of Rep. Walz's office

There is a process underway in Washington right now that will determine where billions of your tax dollars will be spent. It is called earmarking. It is a process in which local projects get funding from the federal government.

DFL Congressman Tim Walz supported legislation aimed at making earmarking more transparent. Under new rules, any project that gets funding in an appropriations bill will be publicly attributed to the member of Congress who requested it.

Now, in an effort to be yet more transparent, Walz has released a list of the project requests he submitted for consideration and how much they cost. They include money for the Minnesota National Guard, agricultural research, and renewable energy.

Morning Edition host Perry Finelli talked with Congressman Walz.