St. Paul Mayor Coleman on Governor's line item veto cuts

Mayor Chris Coleman
St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman says the governor's veto of the Central Corridor does not make any sense.
MPR Photo/Marisa Helms

On Monday Governor Tim Pawlenty approved $717 million in borrowing for projects around Minnesota. Before he did so, though, he used his veto pen to trim $208 million from the bonding package.

And the bulk of the projects he vetoed were located in St. Paul. The Central Corridor Light Rail line would run most of it's route in the capital city. An $11 million expansion for the Como Zoo also was cut from the bill, as was $24 million to relocate the University of Minnesota's Bell Museum of Natural History from the Minneapolis to the St. Paul campaus.

St. Paul lawmakers cried foul today. St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman joined Tom Crann to discuss the governor's cuts.