First funeral for students killed in bus crash held

One of many cards and letters made by schoolmates of the four children killed Tuesday in a school bus accident in Cottonwood.
MPR Photo/Mark Steil

More than 1,000 people attended a funeral in Cottonwood today for Emilee Olson -- one of the four students killed earlier this week in a bush crash.

Mourners gathered outside Christ Lutheran Church after the service and released balloons in the 9-year-old girl's memory.

Tomorrow, a funeral will be held for 13-year-old Jesse Javens and 9-year-old Hunter Javens, brothers from Marshall who were killed in the crash Tuesday near Cottonwood. Their service will be held in the gymnasium at Lakeview School in Cottonwood.

Services for 12-year-old Reed Stevens of Marshall are scheduled for Thursday.

Authorities say a van failed to stop at a stop sign before hitting the bus, which was carrying 28 students from Lakeview School.


Information from: Aaron Ziemer/KMHL-AM,