Petrenko's Tchaikovsky: Sparkling and youthful

Vasily Petrenko/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic
Tchaikovsky: Ballet Music -- Vasily Petrenko/Royal Liverpool Philharmonic (Avie 2139)
Album cover

Vasily Petrenko was just 29 years old when he made his debut with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic in 2004.

"He had the Liverpool Philharmonic in his hand," one reviewer wrote. "The audience loved him ... prolonged applause, standing ovations, all that. Not the usual Liverpool reaction."

Two years later, this rising Russian star was appointed principal conductor of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. Choosing Petrenko came as something of a surprise. Not only was he young, he was virtually unknown to British audiences.

The orchestra has never looked back. Just six months into his first season, they were so pleased with Petrenko's intensity and intelligence, they extended his contract until 2012.

Hot on the heels of Petrenko's recent win as Gramophone Magazine's "Young Artist of the Year - 2007," the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic has just released its second recording with Petrenko at the helm.

This recording features Tchaikovsky's ever-popular ballet music from "Swan Lake," "The Sleeping Beauty," and "The Nutcracker." When the Moscow Imperial Ballet commissioned Tchaikovsky to compose the music for "Swan Lake," they were disappointed. "Undanceable," they complained at the premiere in 1877.

Tchaikovsky had no trouble coming up with dance steps to match his music. He first formulated ideas for "Swan Lake" while visiting his sister and his nieces in the summer of 1871.

The girls loved to dance, so Tchaikovsky cobbled together a short performance about a swan princess. He even drafted out the choreography complete with pirouettes.

We hear the composer's sense of carefree adventure in his music. He wrote extended musical forms filled with genuine emotions.

Vasily Petrenko follows Tchaikovsky's lead by putting his own stamp on this familiar music. His approach is light and refreshing. His youthful energy comes through in the breezy tempos.

Petrenko utilizes a broad dynamic range in the famous waltz, where bold crescendos make way for light, effervescent melodies.

Each character dance in "Swan Lake" represents a different country. With the help of outstanding soloists, Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic capture the distinctive character of each country's dance.

Vasily Petrenko knows what he wants from his orchestra, and together they produce the results. By using a slightly slower tempo, Petrenko invites the orchestra to linger through the delightful waltz from "Sleeping Beauty."

Excerpts from Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" close out this new release. The woodwinds, flutes and strings really sparkle in the "Chinese Dance" and the "Dance of the Mirlitons."

Tchaikovsky's ballet music startled audiences and surprised critics with its revolutionary orchestration, and genuine emotions. The young Russian conductor Vasily Petrenko is surprising audiences and critics with his ability to bring out the best in his orchestra.

He's the youngest person and the first Russian to lead the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. With an extended contract, and plans for several new recordings, Petrenko and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic are on the fast track to meteoric success.