Met Council seeks comment on Central Corridor line

Light rail train
A Hiawatha light rail stop in Minneapolis.
MPR file photo/Dan Olson

The proposed Central Corridor University Avenue light rail line between St. Paul and Minneapolis won't be complete until 2014. However, planners are inviting people with questions about the project to attend a series of meetings that begin Tuesday afternoon at Hamline University in St. Paul, Minn.

The meetings lead up to a decision by the Metropolitan Council in late February about how the line should be built. Met Council member Kirsten Sersland Beach, whose district includes a portion of the line, says staff will explain what is going on with project.

"They will be presenting current information about the project and people attending these events will be able to listen to a brief project update and talk to the staff, the engineers, the project staff, the outreach coordinators and get some of their questions answered," explains Beach.

Central Corridor
A map of the proposed Central Corridor light rail line, which would run along University Ave. between Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul.
Map courtesy of the Metropolitan Council

Another set of meetings starting February 6, 2008, give people a chance to tell Met Council members their opinion of the project.

All the meeting dates and locations are on Met Council Web page.