Senate candidate Ciresi begins running TV ads

Mike Ciresi
Attorney Mike Ciresi is one of three DFLers hoping to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman in the 2008 election.
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

DFL Senate candidate Mike Ciresi is set to begin running two TV ads.

One of the two Ciresi ads is squarely directed at economic concerns.

"Doesn't it seem like middle class Americans are in the middle of a bull's eye? Gas prices up, home values down, health care and the cost of college-out of-reach," explains Ciresi on the ad.

Ciresi wraps up the ad saying it's time to put special interests in the bullseye and once again give middle class families a fair chance.

In the second ad, Ciresi trumpets his courtroom success against the tobacco industry and the makers of the Dalkon Shield.

Ciresi says the ads have been in the works for some time.

"We need to not only hammer home who we are and what we've done but ti increase the name identification and continue the tremendous momentum that we've seen," says Ciresi.

The Ciresi campaign says the ads will initially air in the Twin Cities, but they will go statewide. Ciresi's ads are the first TV ads of the 2008 U.S. Senate race. DFL candidate Al Franken's campaign says it too is planning to begin running TV ads soon.

Ciresi, Franken , Jack Nelson Pallmeyer and Jim Cohen are seeking the DFL endorsement to take on Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in this November's election.