DFL lawmakers propose new property tax relief

Sen. Tom Bakk
Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, chairman of the Senate Taxes Committee, is sponsoring the Mall of America bill.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

DFL lawmakers say they will try again this year to slow rising property taxes throughout Minnesota.

DFL lawmakers say projections for 2008 show property taxes will increase by a combined $596 million. That is a nearly 9 percent jump from 2007.

Senate Tax Committee Chairman Tom Bakk says the state has grown too reliant on property taxes to pay for basic services, especially public education. Bakk says tax reforms passed in 2001 will have completely eroded by 2009.

"We told people that funding schools is a state obligation and we're going to take that over," says Bakk. "We're going to take that off of your homeowner property taxes. And now in '09 we're right back to where we were in 2001, because we haven't lived up to that obligation."

Bakk did not offer a specific proposal for the 2008 session. He did say he would like to re-work the tax bill that Gov. Tim Pawlenty vetoed last year.

Gov. Pawlenty says that tax bill is no longer relevant.