Pawlenty in Iowa to stump for McCain

Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Sen. John McCain
Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Sen. John McCain, shown at a news conference in St. Paul in 2006. Pawlenty is campaigning on McCain's behalf tonight in Iowa.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

The governor is headed to Mason City Thursday night, where he will speak on McCain's behalf at a caucus at a local high school.

Today is the day for Iowans to caucus, and the McCain campaign is hoping to finish at least third here, behind leading Republicans Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney.

Pawlenty is the co-chair of McCain's presidential committee and has increased his campaigning for McCain in recent weeks. He campaigned with McCain in New Hampshire last weekend.

Other Minnesota politicians are also in Iowa, hoping to boost turnout for their candidates.

Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak is in Des Moines, and is expected to knock on doors on behalf of Democratic Illinois Sen. Barack Obama. Former Sen. Mark Dayton is also volunteering in Decorah on behalf of another Democrat, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton.