Piccolo player takes center stage

Roma Duncan Kansara
Roma Duncan Kansara plays flute and piccolo for the Minnesota Orchestra.
Photo courtesy of Minnesota Orchestra

Roma Duncan Kansara steps out of the ranks of the Minnesota Orchestra and into the solo spotlight to play a rare work for her instrument, Antonio Vivaldi's Piccolo Concerto in C.

She's performed this work before, and every time a major life event has happened around it. The first was when her husband proposed to her, the second was right after the birth of her first child.

This week she plays it while working with a little less breathing space for her lungs, because she's five months pregnant. That's a trick because of the long, windingly beautiful lines Vivaldi created for her instrument.

MPR's Brian Newhouse spoke with Kansara on the Orchestra Hall stage, about this music, her instrument, and playing while pregnant.