Minnesota film maker explores the tragedy of Darfur

Annie Sundberg
Edina native Annie Sundberg worked with former US Marine Brian Steidle to tell the story of the horrors he witnessed as a peace monitor in Darfur.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

A senior UN peace-keeping official says the worsening violence in Darfur risks spreading the conflict further in Sudan.

U.N. peacekeeping chief Jean-Marie Guehenno made the statement after Sudanese government forces burned a town in the area to the ground and emptied it of civilians.

It's a situation well familiar to Minnesota native Annie Sundberg.

She's a film maker whose new documentary "The Devil Came on Horseback" examines the deteriorating situation in Darfur through the eyes of former US Marine Brian Steidle.

In 2004 Steidle signed up to monitor the peace treaty which ended a 20 year civil war in Sudan. He witnessed attacks by armed militias on the civilian population in Darfur.

His gruesome photographs caused an uproar when published by the New York Times in 2005. Sundberg told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr, Steidle's story is very accessible.

"The Devil Came on Horseback" opens at the Bell Auditorium on the University of Minnesota Minneapolis Campus on Friday. Annie Sundberg will introduce her film on October 16th and 17th