Only constant is change for the Star Tribune

Strib headquarters
The Minneapolis headquarters of the Star Tribune newspaper.
MPR Photo/Rick Foy

Major changes continue at Minnesota's largest newspaper this week.

The Star Tribune reportedly told staff this week that reader's representative Kate Parry will be reassigned to edit health reporting. That means the reader's representative position will likely be cut down to part time.

Earlier this week, interim publisher Chris Harte announced the newspaper's editorial page editor Susan Albright is leaving after 15 years. Harte said he and Albright disagreed over the direction of the editorial mission of the paper. Harte wants to pay more attention to local issues, instead of continuing Albright's focus on national and international issues.

These latest changes occur shortly after the Star Tribune's publisher, Par Ridder, was ordered by a judge to leave his post for a year. That order grew out of the St. Paul Pioneer Press' lawsuit against Ridder for allegedly taking confidential information with him when he switched jobs. It's unlikely Ridder will return, as the Star Tribune has begun a search for a new publisher.

MPR's Tom Crann talked with media analyst David Brauer about what all these changes will mean on the pages of the Star Tribune.