Help your yard and garden beat the heat

Dry lawn
Lawns and gardens around the region are suffering from hot weather and a lack of rain.
MPR Photo/Mark Zdechlik

Here are some of Deb's suggestions.

*Water early in the day. Start at 4:30 to 5 a.m. The early watering gives plants a chance to dry off during the day. If you water at night, then fungal diseases could set in. Watering during the hottest part of the day does little good, because most of the water will evaporate.

*Hand-watering isn't enough. Use sprinklers. Lawns, gardens and trees need more water than people want to stand around for. Give them an inch of water every other day.

*Mulch your garden and new plantings to help retain the water you give them.

*Set priorities for watering your plants. New plantings should be highest on the list. Young trees and shrubs need a lot of water, frequently. They are more expensive to buy and are a long-term investment -- one bad season or neglect could kill them.

New plantings, flowers, and your vegetable garden may be more important than having a green lawn.