MnSCU leaders endorse tuition pact with Wisconsin

(AP) A deal between Minnesota and Wisconsin covering college tuition won the backing Wednesday from a board that governs most of Minnesota's two- and four-year schools.

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees endorsed an agreement reached in June that allows students to get in-state rates even if they attend college across the border. It evens out the amount of money both states devote to the effort.

MnSCU chancellor James McCormick expressed relief that a new deal was struck. The reciprocity talks grew contentious after Minnesota officials raised concerns about whether the previous arrangement was fair.

Under the old agreement, Wisconsin students often paid less to attend Minnesota colleges and universities than Minnesota students did.

"Now, (students) can continue to select the public college or university in these states that best fits their needs without paying higher nonresident rates," McCormick said.

The details of the deal were worked out by the governors of both states last month, but the agreement won't take effect until all parties ratify it. It is due to cover new students who enroll in fall 2008.

In the academic year that ended last summer, about 13,595 Minnesota students and 11,418 Wisconsin students participated in the reciprocity program.