Big companies pressed to give big for GOP convention

The breakfast meeting was urgent and the list of invitees was exclusive.

Concerned about a "lack of production" pulling in donations toward the 2008 Republican National Convention, Gov. Tim Pawlenty and his allies hoped an intimate appeal to high-level business executives at the stately governor's mansion would shake loose more cash.

"We're looking for each Fortune 500 company headquartered in Minnesota to give at least $1 million; and some of you will be able to be far more generous than that," read Pawlenty's talking points for the June 6 meeting.

Leaders of companies outside that elite club got a pitch for $250,000 to $500,000 contributions, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press under a government records request.

They reveal that four major companies already have pledged roughly $9 million combined: Xcel Energy Inc., Supervalu Inc., Wells Fargo & Co. and Qwest Communications International Inc.

The corporations stand to benefit from their largesse. In the documents, convention planners stress the tax deductibility of the contributions and say they are assembling benefits packages for big donors, ranging from preferred hotel booking, VIP passes and luxury boxes to private dinners and golf outings with top Republicans during the event's Sept. 1-4 run.

Pawlenty's talking points mention "an opportunity for corporate partners to promote new products, connect with influential government officials (Cabinet, President, next President)."

The materials -- handwritten notes, e-mails and briefing packets -- provide a rare glimpse at convention fundraising. The nonprofit Minneapolis-St. Paul Host Committee expects to raise and spend $57 million for the event, with at least half drawn from Minnesota's corporate community.

Publicly, committee officials will say little about their hunt for money, and the law doesn't require them to submit Federal Election Commission reports until two months after the convention.

However, Internal Revenue Service filings due sooner could shed more light on the fundraising activity.

Corporate donations are a lifeblood of the local host committees that help stage the political conventions. For instance, Citigroup gave $2.3 million to the committee organizing the GOP's 2004 gathering in New York, and Cisco Systems kicked in about $3.5 million worth of computer services and consulting. IBM and Gillette were among several corporations that made seven-figure donations in cash or materials to the committee behind the Democratic convention in Boston in 2004.

So far, Qwest appears to be the biggest Twin Cities convention benefactor.

John Stanoch, president of Qwest's Minnesota operations, said the company has pledged $6 million in cash and services to the host committee. The exact split will depend on the amount of phone, Internet and data services the committee uses.

Stanoch said the company is making a similar donation to the Denver Host Committee, which is preparing for the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

He said the company offered to contribute even before Minnesota was designated the convention site for Republicans.

The size of Qwest's contribution entitles it to the fullest package of convention benefits, gifts and promotional opportunities. The documents include a "draft" slate of donor benefits that begin with a "Viking Sponsor Level" for contributors above $50,000. The returns get sweeter as donations rise through six more levels until reaching $5 million.

The top tier gives the broadest access to convention sessions and Xcel Energy Center hospitality rooms, face time with elected Republican leaders, the right to promote products in delegate gift bags and customized tours of area landmarks.

"We made the offer to be a significant sponsor of the convention before we were aware of any packages of benefits that would be provided to sponsors," Stanoch said. "This isn't a situation where we said, `What are you offering?'"

Like Qwest, power company Xcel Energy has a heavy presence in both 2008 convention cities and is making sizable donations to each -- $1 million in cash and services. "We made the commitment not expecting to get anything back," said Roy Palmer, Xcel's director of state government affairs. "It would be the same as if the Olympics were coming to town or some other huge community event. We view it as being part of the community."

A spokeswoman for Wells Fargo said the company had committed to donating $250,000.

A Supervalu representative said that company has provided an initial contribution of an undisclosed size but hadn't settled on its full level of support.

The convention is expected to attract at least 45,000 direct participants, reporters and volunteers plus scores of protesters.

Convention fundraisers aren't just mining dollars in Minnesota, which had 20 public companies on the last Fortune 500 list. Pawlenty is scheduled to travel to New York on July 12 to court contributions, one e-mail notes.

The Republican governor's increasing role in raising money led his chief of staff to issue an e-mail alert to everyone in the office a few weeks ago.

"It is very important that we all communicate accurately that we are not raising funds for the Republican Party in any way, shape or form," Matt Kramer wrote in the May 30 e-mail.

He added, "As everyone knows, we cannot (and will not!) engage in political work at the office. The Host Committee is not a political group and it is entirely appropriate that the Governor assist in raising funds for a civic event that will bring great attention and economic gain to the Metropolitan area."