Daniel Myrick looks for some "Believers"

Messner and Myrick
Actor Johnny Messner appears in director Daniel Myrick's new film "Believers." The film, which gets its world premiere tonight in St. Paul, is aimed at the DVD market. Myrick, who scored a huge success with "The Blair Witch Project," says going direct to DVD gives him a great deal of creative freedom.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

Daniel Myrick caused a media sensation in 1999 when he and some friends created "The Blair Witch Project."

It was a horror movie that cost just $60,000 to make, but grossed $140,000,000 in the US alone.

Myrick hasn't had anything like that success since, but he has continued to look for ways to escape the traditional studio system. Tonight he is in St. Paul to present the world premiere of his new film, "Believers." It's about two paramedics who are kidnapped by a mysterious cult.

Myrick came into the MPR studios with Johnny Messner, who plays one of the paramedics. He told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr he wanted to challenge and examine some of the ideas people have about cults.