Touring choir follows the path of Swedish immigrants

Uppsala Cathedral Choir
Sweden's Uppsala Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Milke Falck, is in Minnesota for a two-week concert tour of the state.
MPR Photo/Karl Gehrke

The 35-voice Uppsala Cathedral Choir of Sweden is embarking on a 10-day concert tour of Minnesota. The visit is sponsored by the American Swedish Institute and includes stops at some of the state's earliest Swedish immigrant sites.

The Uppsala Cathedral Choir was founded in 1867 and is one of the oldest church choirs in Sweden. Along with assisting with the liturgy a couple Sundays each month, the choir also gives a number of public performances. In recent years the choir has traveled to England, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Estonia and Latvia.

Before beginning its tour, the choir stopped by Minnesota Public Radio's Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser Studio to preview a few selections from its concert program. The choir's director, Milke Falck, spoke with host Steve Staruch.