Pawlenty makes campaign stop for McCain

Talking up McCain
Gov. Pawlenty praised presidential candidate John McCain during a campaign stop for McCain in Iowa in March 2007.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Pawlenty will campaign in the northern Iowa cities of Clear Lake, Forest City and Charles City Monday night and Tuesday morning. Sen. McCain will not attend the events.

Pawlenty, the co-chair of McCain's presidential campaign, will speak to business leaders and McCain supporters at the events.

This will be Pawlenty's second trip to Iowa on behalf of McCain. He campaigned with McCain in March. Iowa is a critical test for every presidential candidate, since the January caucuses give an indication of a candidates support.

Pawlenty has also travelled to Michigan twice and New Hampshire once on behalf of McCain.

Pawlenty has said several times that he is participating in McCain's campaign as a supporter, and is not doing so to position himself for national office.