Manga show displays girl power (and internationalism)

Rose of Versailles
Rose of Versailles (Versailles no Bara), 1972-74 by Riyoko Ikeda. Artist's print from original watercolor
Image courtesy MCAD

She enjoyed them as a reader.

But she's also a professor at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, so she found an academic interest too.

Now she's combining her personal and academic interests in an exhibit at MCAD.

Frenchy Lunning
Frenchy Lunning recently won a Fulbright Scholarship to study manga in Japan.
MPR Photo/Euan Kerr

It's called "Shojo Manga! Girl Power! East and West."

It looks at the evolution of Japanese comics as publishers tried to develop a female readership.

When Frenchy Lunning took Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr on a tour, she began with some definitions......