Pawlenty threatens to veto tax bill

It's up to the governor
"The process this time of year in the Legislature is usually a little bumpy, a little ugly. But we are still hopeful that the results this year will be good for the state of Minnesota and the people all being served," Gov. Tim Pawlenty said.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

(AP) - Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Tuesday that a tax bill approved by the Minnesota Legislature is "headed in the direction of a veto" but its demise wouldn't force a special session.

Pawlenty said he made lawmakers aware of his opposition to a provision that would put inflationary increases back into budget forecasts, but it ended up in the bill anyway.

The Republican governor said a special session to redo a tax bill isn't necessary.

After days of negotiations produced no final budget agreement, lawmakers rushed through a slate of budget bills Monday in a chaotic conclusion to the 2007 session.

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