Text of Hatch's resignation letter

Dear General Swanson:

I indicated in December that I would serve your administration during the transitional period. It is now four months into your administration, and it is appropriate that I submit my resignation at this time.

In recent days there has been commentary about a number of changes in the office. Because of my presence in your administration, it is apparent that changes I made during my administration are unfairly being attributed to you. It is not appropriate that you should become the target of complaints involving my administration.

Your administration has been fantastic. You have taken on the issue of predatory lending, which has devastated low income families. You have challenged unsuitable annuity sales to the elderly. You have proposed initiatives to attack Internet bullying. You have attacked "trust mills" that dupe senior citizens. You proposed real assistance to the veterans who have served our nation with a G.I. Bill and enhancements to the Servicemember Civil Relief Act. When challenged by special interests, you have demonstrated resolve and leadership.

Only four states currently have elected female Attorney Generals, the most underrepresented political position in America. While I know you do not like to be described as a "first," you are an inspiration to women throughout the state.

As the father of three daughters who admire you, I know that you give promise to a generation of young women. You have displayed remarkable leadership.

I hope that with this resignation the public will continue to focus on the good deeds that you are undertaking on behalf of ordinary citizens.

Please accept this letter as the standard two week notice in compliance with the employee manual.

Very truly yours,

Mike Hatch

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