Pawlenty reiterates opposition to gas tax hike

Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Thursday he would veto a bill to raise the gas tax.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty said a bill raising the gas tax to pay for road construction would face a certain veto.

His comments came a few hours after people wearing hard hats and standing beside construction machinery made their most vocal push yet for billions of additional dollars for road and transit projects.

They heard from supportive lawmakers and waved signs reading, "No Veto" and "Transportation Funding: Don't Come Home Without It."

The House and Senate have both voted to raise the current 20-cent-per-gallon tax by a dime. Both also favor higher license tab fees and additional local taxes for transportation. But the two bills still differ and need to be matched up before Pawlenty can act.

Pawlenty favors a borrowing approach, but held out hope for a compromise before the 2007 session concludes.

"If everyone hangs on to their idealized picture of the perfect, nothing will get done," Pawlenty said.

If he vetoes it, the Legislature could try to scrape up two-thirds majorities to override him.