A divided delegation in the U.S. House

U.S. Capitol
A statue outside the Rayburn House Office Building,with the U.S. Capitol in the background.
Photo by PAUL J.RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

House members in Washington are expected to debate a supplemental bill that would set a withdrawal date for U.S. troops in Iraq.

The bill also includes funding to increase the size of the military, improve veterans health care and Gulf Coast recovery.

All three Minnesota Republicans in the House are aligned and plan to cast a "no" vote; they do not support a withdrawal date.

But Minnesota Democrats are not as unified. U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum from the 4th District is trying to drum up support from 5th District Rep. Keith Ellison, and 8th District Rep. Jim Oberstar.

MPR's Cathy Wurzer talked with Republican John Kline and Democrat Betty McCollum about their votes on the supplemental bill, and what they'd like to see happen when the debate on the House floor is over.