A window into the home front

Nicky Inskeep and her daughter, Kirsten at home
Nicky Inskeep and her daughter, Kirsten, at their home in Woodbury.
MPR Photo/Larissa Anderson

As the debate over a nonbinding resolution opposing President Bush's plan to increase the number of troops in Iraq continues, 2600 members of Minnesota's National Guard are faced with a longer tour of duty than they were expecting.

One of them is Jason Inskeep. He's a member of Minnesota's 1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Division and is part of the state's largest deployment since World War II. He first left home in October of 2005 for training and was scheduled to return from his year-long deployment in Iraq this March. He's now expecting to come home this July or August.

Jason's wife Nicky is also Minnesota Guard member, although she's part of a different unit than Jason, and she is staying home with their four-year-old daughter Kirsten.

While Kirsten was playing nearby, Cathy Wurzer talked with Nicky at her house in Woodbury.