Dick Day to run for Congress

Running for Congress
State Sen. Dick Day, R-Owatonna, says he's running for Congress in the 1st District, which is now represented by freshman DFLer Tim Walz.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

A Republican state senator from Owatonna says he's running for Congress in Minnesota's 1st District. Sen. Dick Day says he's filed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission.

Day has been in the Minnesota Senate since 1990. He also served as Senate Minority Leader for eight years, but stepped down from that post after his party lost seats in the last election.

His announcement comes just three months after DFLer Tim Walz was elected to the 1st District seat, by defeating Republican incumbent Gil Gutknecht.

Day says he's getting into the race this early so he can raise the money needed to win.

"I think I have to spend a year having people get to know me around the district," says Day. "A year from now, we'll probably get into the heavy issues that are out there. They'll either be some of the same issues, or some of the issues will be brand new. I think I need to get myself out and around."

Day says he isn't sure whether he'll quit the race if he fails to win the party endorsement.

Another Republican, Lake Crystal-Welcome school board member Mark Meyer, is also thinking about running.