NFL commissioner lobbies for Vikings stadium; gets no promises

The commissioner comes calling
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says a new facility for the Vikings is high on the NFL's priority list for stadiums. Goodell says he had a productive, half-hour meeting with governor Tim Pawlenty.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Goodell met with Vikings officials, as well as local business and political leaders. He also had a half-hour meeting with Gov. Pawlenty where they talked about a new Vikings stadium.

Goodell says the Vikings are high on the NFL's priority list for stadiums, but he didn't specify any deadlines. He characterized his meeting with Pawlenty as "productive."

"The governor made it very clear that he understood that the Vikings needed a new stadium and that that was a priority for not only the team but for this community. And he knew that ... the quote was 'unfinished business' and that we will deal with it," Goodell said.

Pawlenty's spokesman, Brian McClung, said the governor did not make any commitments.

"The governor has said that he believes that a stadium should not take tax dollars from higher priorities like education and health care and that continues to be his position," according to McClung.

Vikings owner Zygi Wilf has pushed for a new stadium in Blaine but has also indicated that the team may prefer to stay in downtown Minneapolis.

After Goodell's news conference Wilf declined to state his preference.