Minnesota Today®

Minneapolis City Council overrides Frey's rideshare pay veto. Walz signs compromise SRO bill

In a vote of 10 to three on Thursday, the Minneapolis City Council overrode Mayor Jacob Frey's veto of an ordinance that raises rideshare drivers' pay and offers them more protections. The ordinance takes effect May 1. Uber and Lyft had threatened to leave if the ordinance was enacted, and after the vote, Frey said council members did not pay attention to the data in state reports or talk to all of the parties involved in the issue.

Gov. Tim Walz has signed a compromise school resource officer bill. It allows officers to use prone restraints in situations where students pose a risk to themselves or others. It also sets up extra training for officers. Last year, several police departments pulled resource officers out of schools because of liability concerns.

This is an MPR News morning update, hosted by Phil Picardi. Music by Gary Meister.

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Minneapolis City Council overrides Frey’s veto on ordinance boosting rideshare driver pay

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