Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

A Floridian transplant expected the worst of Minnesota's winter. She documented her disappointment on TikTok

Two people stand on a frozen lake
Aubrey Regner stands on frozen Lake Harriet with her husband. It was the first time she stood on frozen lake after moving to Minnesota from Florida.
Courtesy Aubrey Regner

This winter has been anything but normal. Our snowiest month so far has been October. And now we’re seeing 50 degrees in February.

For some life-long Minnesotans, this winter might be considered a nice break. But we were curious what is it like for a Minnesota transplant who was expecting the worst of winter.

Aubrey Regner moved to Minnesota from Florida this past summer and chronicled that move on TikTok. Regner is disappointed with the winter so far, to say the least. MPR News guest host Nina Moini talked to her about it.

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Audio transcript

NINA MOINI: We know this winter has been anything but normal. Our snowiest month so far has been October. And we're seeing 50-degree weather now in February. So for lifelong Minnesotans or people who grew up here, might be seeing this winter as a nice break, or maybe you're desperate for some snow. But we were curious what it's like for a transplant.

So Aubrey Regner moved from Florida all the way to Minnesota this past year. And we wanted to know how it's going. And so Aubrey, you're joining us now. You have been chronicling your move on TikTok.


- We are slowly getting ready for our move out of Florida. Know winter's a long time away, but we have no winter clothes. But I finally have my first official winterwear jacket. And it's perfect for layering. And I'm obviously going to need 500 more layers.


NINA MOINI: And so for starters, before you moved to Minnesota, Aubrey, what was your impression about winter in this state?

AUBREY REGNER: So I just expected a fully frozen tundra, like, everything just frozen. For a really long time, I didn't know a lot about the Midwest or Minnesota at all. We actually had visited last year on the first day of spring, when things were melting. There was a whole celebration in the airport about it, which was really funny. But I was expecting to be very, very cold, stay inside for a lot of time. And clearly, that is-- the opposite has happened.

NINA MOINI: Yeah. And so what brought you to Minnesota, I wonder?

AUBREY REGNER: There were a lot of reasons. We were just looking for a complete change of pace. Our careers were going to be a better fit out here. It's a good place to raise a family. Access to a lot of local activities and events is really what we were looking for.

NINA MOINI: And so what did people tell you to expect when you were moving to Minnesota?

AUBREY REGNER: The absolute worst.


I was told to expect the absolute worst. It's going to be frozen most of the year. It's miserable, all these kinds of things. And so I was preparing for it, but I'm still waiting.

NINA MOINI: Yeah. I mean, and those are all accurate depictions that people gave you--

AUBREY REGNER: Yeah, I mean--

NINA MOINI: --to be honest.

AUBREY REGNER: I have no doubt. I have no doubt that it is actually pretty bad. And I know it was pretty bad last year from-- I've been told many times. So I mean, you guys deserve a nice break. And I'm enjoying it So I guess we'll try again next year.

NINA MOINI: And winter is not over yet. So you have your TikTok videos, where you talk about buying winter gear. And what did you do to prepare before you got here? I know I always tell people, get a really good pair of snow boots.

AUBREY REGNER: Yes. So I was given a lot of really great advice after I got here. Right before we moved, I realized I didn't even own a jacket. I lived in warm climates for the last 10 years.

So I was like, I need a jacket to start. And we just went from there. I was given-- snow boots was a really big recommendation. And then a coat that goes below the knees, that was the golden advice. So I do have a couple of those now.

NINA MOINI: Yeah. And so what have you been putting on to go outside? I'm just curious because I lived in Florida for a couple years in Southwest Florida. And even 50 degrees at that point starts to feel really cold. So I'm curious how you bundle up right now.

AUBREY REGNER: Yeah. It really does. It's different down there, I will say. With the current weather we're having, I'm going out in, like, a sweatshirt. I'm not really pulling out the jackets. I think I've acclimated pretty well.

NINA MOINI: So I mean, are you disappointed? Are you like, oh my gosh, thank goodness? Or is there anything you were really looking forward to trying out, like, winter sports-wise here in Minnesota?

AUBREY REGNER: I'll say I'm a little bit disappointed. My husband and I really just wanted to experience that snowfall together and build a snowman-- that was number one on the list-- experience those snow activities. And we just really haven't gotten to dive into that at all. So we're just going to table it for next year, I think.

NINA MOINI: Well, and luckily, there's a lot to do in the summer here too. And just so many beautiful outdoor things to do in general in Minnesota. So I think you're both going to really like it here. What have been some of the reactions that you've been getting from your TikTok followers when you've been talking about this?

AUBREY REGNER: They're all shocked. I don't think anybody was expecting this. I got here in June, so they were preparing me for the worst. And then that Halloween snowfall came. And I'm like, OK, this is it. This is when the snow is going to stick around. And it's just going to be crazy. And then that just didn't happen. So I think we're all just kind of like, oh, well, we don't know what's happening.

NINA MOINI: Yeah. Were you surprised that there's so much interest in this topic? I mean, Minnesotans love to talk about outside and the cold and the weather.

AUBREY REGNER: I was shocked, absolutely shocked. I've lived in a lot of different places. And I love how much interest there is in regards to the world around us here in the Twin Cities because it's exactly what I was looking for. And so I was shocked but in the best way possible.

NINA MOINI: Well, Aubrey, we look forward to following the rest of your journey here. And like I said, it's not too late. You still might get your wish for some snowfall. We'll see.

AUBREY REGNER: Let's hope so.

NINA MOINI: Thanks, Aubrey.


NINA MOINI: Aubrey Regner is a digital content creator. You can find her at @onlyaubss on TikTok. That's A-U-B-S-S.

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