MPR News with Angela Davis

Getting to Green: One home at a time  

A yellow energy guide tag on a water heater in a basement
MPR News correspondent Dan Kraker interviews homeowners Kristin Mroz and William Risse about their energy-efficient heat pump water heater in a home tour on Jan. 8.
Ben Hovland | MPR News

Minnesota has an ambitious goal — to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. That’s what scientists say is needed to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.   

To get there, Minnesotans will need to completely rethink energy use in our homes.  

The natural gas and propane that we use to heat our buildings contributes significantly to global carbon emissions.  

That’s why a portion of the billions of dollars in new federal and state funding for the clean energy transition will help people reduce energy use in their homes and go toward swapping in new electric heat pumps and other appliances.  

MPR News correspondents Kirsti Marohn and Dan Kraker guest host part two of a three-day series expanding on the reporting they’ve done with MPR News colleagues in our series Getting to Green

Find out what can you do right where you live to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and learn about the growing number of rebates and incentives that will be available to help make those changes.  


four people in studio
MPR News correspondents Dan Kraker (far left) and Kirsti Marohn talk with Michelle Gransee and Rebecca Olson in an MPR News studio in St. Paul on Wednesday.
Maja Beckstrom | MPR News

Support for this series is provided by the Poynter Institute.

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