Politics Friday

Politics Friday: Jacob Frey on his police chief nominee and Jennifer Schultz, challenger in the 8th District

Major Jacob Frey and Brian O'Hara01
Mayor Jacob Frey, left, announces he is nominating Brian O'Hara, deputy mayor of Newark, N.J., to be the next Minneapolis police chief at a news conference on Thursday.
Ben Hovland | MPR News

Host Mike Mulcahy talks with Mayor Jacob Frey about Frey’s choice for the next Minneapolis police chief.

Then, a conversation with State Rep. Jen Schultz, DFL-Duluth. She’s an economics professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth and she’s challenging U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber, R-Minn., for the 8th District seat in Congress and not running for reelection to the Minnesota House. (We have invited Rep. Stauber on the program, but he has not yet agreed to an interview.)

Finally, Mike rounds up this week’s political news stories with MPR News’s Dana Ferguson and Brian Bakst and Minnpost’s Peter Callaghan.


  • Mayor Jacob Frey, Minneapolis

  • Rep. Jennifer Schultz, DFL-Duluth

  • Peter Callaghan, state government reporter for for MinnPost

  • Brian Bakst, political reporter for MPR News

  • Dana Ferguson, political reporter for MPR News

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation. 

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