MPR News with Angela Davis

What do overseas journalists think of the U.S. press?

Two women and a man stand side by side for a photo.
2019 World Press Institute fellows (from left) Kate Bartlett, Hamdi Baala and Sorana Stanescu visited MPR's headquarters to talk about journalism in America and overseas, Oct. 15, 2019.
Julie Siple | MPR News

It’s a tricky time to be a journalist. Freedom of the press is under threat in some parts of the world, and here in the United States, polls show trust in media has largely waned over the past several decades.

Ten fellows with the St. Paul-based World Press Institute have been traveling around the United States since August, meeting with journalists, scholars, community members and business leaders. They’ve been learning about both the U.S. media landscape and American society. Three of those fellows sat down with MPR News’ Euan Kerr to share their observations.


Sorana Stanescu is the managing editor for DoR (Decat o Revista), a nonprofit media organization in Bucharest, Romania.

Hamdi Baala is a reporter for HuffPost Algeria and host of “Offshore,” a politics show on Radio M in Algiers.

Kate Bartlett is a correspondent for dpa, the German Press Agency. She is based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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