MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for July 11, 2017

Good afternoon! If you were born after 1990, the Kermit the Frog you know best was probably voiced by Steve Whitmire. After 27 years, Whitmire has left his role giving life to the iconic green Muppet, and there's a frog in a lot of throats over the news. | NewsCut | Forecast

Trump Jr. releases emails showing Russian aid for campaign The fight for Native fishing rights in Minn., Wis. Winona-based Watkins could have a mystery buyer GOP Senate leader says he'll unveil new health bill Thursday Japanese blogger points out timeline flaw in supposed Earhart photo Anonymous alumni commit $40 million to Gustavus Adolphus Gov. Christie blasts N.J. caller: 'I love getting calls from communists in Montclair' Gluten-free host a no-go, says pope