MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for April 17, 2017

Good afternoon! Ever feel confused while doing your taxes? You're not alone. Results of a new Ipsos poll conducted for NPR suggest Americans may be sending a garbled message when they voice their opinions on taxes. | Forecast

Affidavit: Doctor prescribed meds for Prince in another name Kenyans sweep Boston Marathon on a good day for U.S. runners Sen. Franken pushes grants to forge school, career links Canada glacier melt rerouted in rare case of 'river piracy' A story half told: Looking at the genocide in Cambodia 42 years later In the 1920s, a community conspired to kill Native Americans for their oil money Ex-construction worker builds a new life grooming cats Watch: 4-year-old covers Messersmith's 'Everybody Gets a Kitten' and it's too cute