MPR News Update

MPR News Update for March 2

Good morning! Partly sunny with a chance of snow in southern Minnesota. Highs in the teens north to around 30 south. It's only Thursday but it's been quite the week already for weird loose animal news. On Monday, police had to search for a cow in the road (a sheriff's deputy unfortunately hit the cow in the road and it died). Then on Wednesday, police had to wrangle two llamas on the lam. A police spokesperson says the llamas had somehow gotten loose and were just hanging out along a road. | Forecast | Updraft weather blog

Sessions spoke with Russian envoy in 2016, Justice Dept says No more snow days? It could happen in Minnesota Women of NASA to be immortalized -- in Lego form America's 'complacent class': How self-segregation is leading to stagnation Birth control is working better -- or at least, it's failing less Tiny fossils could be oldest evidence of life on Earth Real ID bill hung up again over immigrant drivers' licenses Minnesota gun permits spiked in 2016 Art Hounds: Balkan music and 'ResisDance' DNA tests find Subway chicken only 50 percent meat, Canadian media report