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Drought conditions improve for some, persist for others

Biggest improvements in east-central Minnesota, North Shore

drought monitor 4-11
The latest U.S. drought monitor, posted Thursday
National Drought Mitigation Center

East-central Minnesota is no longer considered abnormally dry thanks to soaking rains early this week. The North Shore is out of moderate drought but drought hangs on in north-central and southeastern Minnesota.

Latest drought conditions 

The latest drought monitor out Thursday morning shows improvement in east-central Minnesota, including all of the Twin Cities area and also most of the North Shore.

Moderate to severe drought stubbornly hangs onto north-central Minnesota and far southeastern Minnesota. The data cutoff for the Thursday report is 7 a.m. Tuesday. 

drought monitor 4-11
The latest U.S. Drought Monitor report, posted Thursday
National Drought Mitigation Center

Comparing this week’s to last week’s drought monitor, you can see the visible changes in east-central Minnesota and most of the North Shore region. Moderate drought conditions hang onto most of Cook County.

drought compare
Comparison of last week's (April 4) drought monitor report to this week's (April 11) report.
National Drought Mitigation Center

The improvement for some is due largely to the soaking rains received Sunday into Monday. Much of east-central Minnesota and the North Shore saw up to 1 inch or more of rainfall.

Pictured below is seven day rainfall between last week’s and this week’s drought report data points. 

7 day precip
7-day estimated precipitation from April 2 through April 9
WeatherBELL Analytics

Precipitation outlooks

The pattern looks to remain potentially wet and active into next week. A storm system is set to bring widespread, soaking rains potentially Monday into midweek. That’s reflected in the six to 10-day precipitation outlook. 

6-10 day
6-10 day precipitation outlook
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center

In the medium-range forecast term, conditions are expected to slightly favor drier conditions. Below are the eight to 14-day outlooks and week three outlooks.

8-14 d
8 to 14-day precipitation outlook
NOAA Climate Prediction Center
week 3
Precipitation outlook April 20-May 3
NOAA Climate Prediction Center