Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Some rain and snow chances Tuesday. Becoming windy and brighter Wednesday

Temps back above normal by Friday

wx map TUE 9a
Forecast surface weather conditions Tuesday
National Weather Service

Updated 9:15 a.m.

We’ll have scattered snow and rain showers Tuesday, lingering into Wednesday for southeastern Minnesota. Some slushy accumulation is possible. Winds also increase late Tuesday.

More rain, snow chances Tuesday; winds rise

Two systems will work to create some scattered rain and snow showers Tuesday into early Wednesday. The first is a clipper system swinging through from the north, and the other is a system clipping southeastern Minnesota into Wisconsin through Wednesday.

tue-wed prec 9a
Forecast precipitation 7 a.m. Tuesday through 7 p.m. Wednesday
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Depending on timing and temperatures, there will be some slushy accumulations, especially in eastern Minnesota. 

snow 6a
Forecast snowfall through Wednesday
National Weather Service

High temperatures will be mostly in the 40s Tuesday across the state.

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Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

Winds will also increase Tuesday into Wednesday, becoming quite blustery at 15-30 mph from the north. Gusts could be over 40 mph in southeastern Minnesota Wednesday. 

tue-wed winds 9a
Forecast wind gusts 9 a.m. Tuesday through 6 p.m. Wednesday
College of DuPage weather lab

Much warmer by late week

We’ll also see more sunshine Wednesday for most of the state except eastern Minnesota, where clouds and snow showers will linger. Temperatures will continue to trend upward — back to above-normal readings — by Friday and into the weekend. 

sat hi 9a
Forecast highs Saturday
National Weather Service